I am taking a page from Twitter’s playbook today and talking about keeping it fresh. Twitter updated their logo.
What does it mean? Read far enough into it and you’ll come up with plenty of reasons.
Updating logos, redesigning your web site, and a good spring cleaning every once in a while makes good business sense. Sure, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, but, how many ways can you really skin a cat?
Do you want to be the good old stand-by?
Or do you want to be fresh?
Good old stand-by has many good qualities such as reliability and consistency.
When it comes to your businesses website, however, if your good old stand-by has not been updated in a few years you will find me in agreement with you that your site performs reliably and consistent in generating a flat amount of leads and interest in your company.
A good professionally developed business website works on capturing and nurturing leads while you focus on more immediate matters at hand. If your website has been chugging along for a few years without having been updated, chances are you may benefit from a redesign.
Depending on your goals, POGA Ltd. recommends updating your website with fresh content daily if not weekly. Here are some tips for keeping it fresh:- Come up with 12 topics on which to write. Following this, come up with 3 – 4 subcategories under this topic. Congratulations, you just came up with nearly a years worth of article topics.
- Set a schedule. Many of us claim to not have time to work on our blogs or update our websites. I have no doubt in my mind about the truth to this statement. Blogging and generating leads through your website does take work. If you can set aside at least one hour a day to work on your blog, you’ll find your creative juices flowing and ideas churning in no time.
- Write it. Read it out loud to yourself and to a friend. Walk away for 24 hours. Come back, read it out loud again, and edit the posting as you see fit.
And remember…
Aside from updating your blog posts, consider your images, SEO, site layout, pages and general content. The longer you wait to update and maintain these lifelines of your online presence the worse your condition will become.
Case in point: Flash Media vs. iPhones & iPads. Three generations of iPhones and two generations of iPads did not support flash. Millions of people who own these Apple products were unable to view certain websites as the developers intended. If you work with a good web site designer or programmer he or she will be able to safe-guard your site against display problems.