
About: Anthony Librizzi

Anthony Librizzi

Web/Graphic designer and programmer specializing in responsive web development and developer of the POGA-Grid framework.

Posts by Anthony Librizzi:

    Rebranding is a strategic decision that can breathe new life into your business or organization. It’s not just about changing your logo or company colors; it’s a comprehensive process that can reshape your identity, values, and market positioning. However, before you embark on a rebranding journey, it’s essential to carefully consider whether it’s the right

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    HTTP vs. HTTPS HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP with an SSL Certificate. With HTTPS all data is encrypted between your browser and the website that it is connected to. HTTPS stands for ‘Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure’. A secure connection should always be used to protect highly confidential online transactions such as online

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    CSS Grids and Grid Systems CSS grids and grid systems have evolved through the years. CSS frameworks replaced tables but were far from perfect and required CSS hacks for the website to layout properly. Items were aligned with the use of floats, then clearing the floats with a clearfix. Negative margins were used as a

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    TinyMCE and WordPress In 2003 WordPress was released as a blogging CMS. TinyMCE was the best WYSIWYG HTML editor and allowed bloggers to enter simple posts and images effortlessly. Today WordPress is much more than a blogging platform. WordPress powers 27% of the entire internet, and version 4.6 was downloaded 21.7 million times. It is

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    Why choose a custom designed website Deciding between a custom designed website and an off the shelf template is something that many business owners consider when first taking their business online. There was a time when having a website or any internet presence was all you needed to succeed. That is no longer the case,

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    UI/UX Web Development Web development has changed greatly in the past few years and developers must keep up with advancements in design and technology to be able to create a modern website. What does it mean to have a well designed site today? Web design starts with the client’s brand and label. The brand must have

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